Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hmmmm....And How Do I Wonder

Hello darlings!

OK, I really have nothing better to do. I am so not going to study NOW. I 'll burst from boredom. Serously, you have never seen. OK, and so I am watching PD SP online and stuff, when I'm not supposed to cry or anything, but, yeh. I'm bored. So, to distract me, I'm blogging. And unlike some people, I CAN actually blog, read subtitles and watch a show at the same time. I am pretty good at doing it (same as writing notes while doing corrections and watching the documentary at the same time).

Darn, PD was so super sad. I CRIED!!!! NO!!!! Hey, I didn't cry in Romeo and Juliet!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEE!!!

Maybe it is due to exam stress, resulting to the fact that I am emo-ing, but whatever!!! Its so sad. And if a guy ever waited out for me in such cold weather and had a flu and stuff, I'll marry him straight away!!!

Speaking of marriage, my sister wants to get married on a beach. In Japan. What is her problem???????? NOOOOOOOO!!!!! She's the one that is watching WAY too many dramas!!!! And she wants a gown. Ergh. SAND PLUS TAFFETA??? No way. Ever heard of a sarong?????

And little life lesson no. 15: never wear stilletoes on the beach, unless you are shooting a scene from Baywatch. Or something.

What?? Hey, treat it like it is and was my birthday presents!!!!! heehee. Don;t be mean Danial!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You volunteered. PD SP or nada.

And stop insulting Yamapi!!! God, he is fine. I'll go crazy one day. Why are all my close friends GUYS???????? Well, except for Megan, Charis, Alicia, Joey, Christie, and, well, ok, the list can go on forever. Lu Jian, if you say anything about Chinen Yuri, you are so dead as well. I'll make Megan hate you than never before. But then again, you guys are so..nevermind.

OK, I'm being random. Dang, missed a scene. Nevermind.


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