Sunday, August 31, 2008

So CUTE!!!

Hello again darlings!

Yesh, yesh, I know, the only few words/phrases in my vocabulary bank today are the following:

  • CUTE
  • Go and die!!!
  • Whatever/Whatevs!
  • Love Song
  • Cherish
  • Graduation
  • Cranky
  • Yamapi
  • Shige
  • Ryo
  • Keichiro
  • Masuda
  • Tegoshi
  • Chinen

Ok, and it kinda goes on, but you get what I mean.

ANYWAY, scratch whatever I said about having a grand wedding, um, actually, no. You know what? Forget what I just said. I want to go honeymooning in Bora Bora!!! Hawaii is just so not original, so Bora Bora is totally cool

Hey, I'm peachy.

Alors, I am so bored! I KNOW! Let's make some lists!

My (Updated) Wishlist for Graduation:

  • NEWS album-Pacific
  • NEWS singles-Taiyou No Namida, Summertime
  • KAT-TUN album-The Queen of Pirates
  • BoA album- Made in Twenty (ok, that was so last year, but it is the best)
  • Tohoshinki single- Doushite kimi wo saki ni natte shimatte darou?
  • Kurosagi (I'm not complaining! Read the previous post)
  • NEWS/ KAT-TUN/ HSJ/Tohoshinki posters!

Hmmm, I reduced the number of items, only more expensive, LOL!


The Lil' Miss


Hello dar-lings!

I can't wait after the exams!!! 1 month, 8 days and counting. Yeh, so yesterday, since I was like, so superly bored, I was brainstorming (um, no Daryl, we are NOT going out

-Oh, freak, what happened to the subtitles???

Anyway, we were like, "what are we gonna do in 1 month (and eight days)???"

And, here's PART of my incomplete list:

  • Go Sakae Sushi with, half the class
  • Go shopping with Charis and Megan
  • Go watch movie with the same half the class
  • Go for another movie with just Christie and Joey
  • Celebrate like there's no tomorrow
  • Watch Goukasen (maybe)
  • Watch Dragon Zakura
  • Watch Code Bleu-I mean, Blue
  • Party and sleepover at the chalets
  • Watch Kurosagi
  • Thrash Lu Jian's house with Danial (permisson granted)
  • Watch My NEVER ENDING WONDERFUL STORY concert again
  • Finish preparing graduation gift
  • Plan my sister's prom dress (light blue or green??? Decisons decisons!)
  • Go for a day out with my buds (Christie, Joey, Megan, Charis, Wei Chong, Lu Jian, Danial, Alicia, Poh Yi etc.)-check off my wishlist
  • Get grad. presents for FRIENDS
  • Prepare to cry

Oh yeh, speaking of my wishlist, FYI, my sis just checked to day and the Doushite kimi wo siki ni natte shimatten darou? single itself is already $54. Have a nice life Lu Jian and Danial. Good luck!!! LOL. Relax, I totally erased some of the stuff.

Except for NEWS Pacific. And some others. And yeh, you can't find Kurosagi ANYWHERE(totally unfair), but if you want to order it from Japan, hey, who's complaining?? ;)

I CAN'T WAIT! It's making me VERY cranky......


The Lil' Miss

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hmmmm....And How Do I Wonder

Hello darlings!

OK, I really have nothing better to do. I am so not going to study NOW. I 'll burst from boredom. Serously, you have never seen. OK, and so I am watching PD SP online and stuff, when I'm not supposed to cry or anything, but, yeh. I'm bored. So, to distract me, I'm blogging. And unlike some people, I CAN actually blog, read subtitles and watch a show at the same time. I am pretty good at doing it (same as writing notes while doing corrections and watching the documentary at the same time).

Darn, PD was so super sad. I CRIED!!!! NO!!!! Hey, I didn't cry in Romeo and Juliet!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEE!!!

Maybe it is due to exam stress, resulting to the fact that I am emo-ing, but whatever!!! Its so sad. And if a guy ever waited out for me in such cold weather and had a flu and stuff, I'll marry him straight away!!!

Speaking of marriage, my sister wants to get married on a beach. In Japan. What is her problem???????? NOOOOOOOO!!!!! She's the one that is watching WAY too many dramas!!!! And she wants a gown. Ergh. SAND PLUS TAFFETA??? No way. Ever heard of a sarong?????

And little life lesson no. 15: never wear stilletoes on the beach, unless you are shooting a scene from Baywatch. Or something.

What?? Hey, treat it like it is and was my birthday presents!!!!! heehee. Don;t be mean Danial!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You volunteered. PD SP or nada.

And stop insulting Yamapi!!! God, he is fine. I'll go crazy one day. Why are all my close friends GUYS???????? Well, except for Megan, Charis, Alicia, Joey, Christie, and, well, ok, the list can go on forever. Lu Jian, if you say anything about Chinen Yuri, you are so dead as well. I'll make Megan hate you than never before. But then again, you guys are so..nevermind.

OK, I'm being random. Dang, missed a scene. Nevermind.



Hello darlings!

What a funny thing happened yesterday! I totally got bakc at the idiot Lu Jian! Yipee!!! Yup, it was raining and stuff, so he kept on throwing the basketball at me at the shelter, and I was pretty irritated. So, yeh, I wasn't aiming properly, and I (unintentionally!) whacked him with the basketball at his......and now he's complaining. Well, it was his fault for annyoing me!!!

Sexist freak.

And that dumbo of Danial. OK, so I passed him my updated wishlist during class, but who asked him to open it at that time??? And for sure, I got into trouble. That TOOT.

And anyway, I totally want the Love Song single (if there IS one) and yeh. Are boys really THAT dumb??? OK, joking. But yeh.

Oh, and get me PD(um, no Princess Diaries) special!!!! EEEEEE!!!!! I'm bored!!! Only a couple more exam papers more and I'M FREE. Now let's not think about graduation or not seeing each other again. Think positive. Yeh. I can't wait!!!! MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

And by the way, what do guys noramlly want to receive? I have to get grad. presents for my guy friends. I hate doing that, It gives me headaches. Help people, help.


Little Miss Sunshine

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Scratch that

Hello my little darlings!

Me again (you'll never get sick of me!)!

ANYWAY. Despite what Lu Jian thinks, I am not crazy nor do I have screws loose in my head. Hey, what? NEWS is a freaking good band, d'accord?

And so, he and Danial have promised to get me the following as graduation presents!

  • Kurosagi!
  • Dragon Zakura (yeh huh, mine went bust remember?)
  • Code Blue (I mean, once it comes out, around the time we finish exams, that is)
  • Posters!
  • NEWS album
  • HSJ album
  • Kat-tun album

HMMMM...and more and more.

Oh, and my new fave songs (after Cherish, Summertime and Dreams Come True)? Love Song by Yamapi (see? Why can't all of you see that NEWS and all have good voices???) and Colorful and Sorry Juliet and-and- and-. Gosh, I forgot. Either way, lots. I LOVE Love Song, so sweet. Bummer, Grace! And yeh, I kinda have listened to Cherish, like 192 times since, well, January. Yup. I know. Crazy, But its so CUTE! I can kind of forget about the pink gloves issue my sis and I freaked over.



The Queen Bee

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

And one More thing....


Where is everyone???? Why aren't anyone of you going online?? You know I can't call, my parents will kill me!!! Where's everyone?? Ok, Gabs, you are totally excused, as usual, you are probably in Spain or something visiting you uncle...or whoever, but where's your laptop???

Hey, I'm the one that's supposed to be stressed up here you know, hello, prelims are a week away and PSLEs are- OMG, don't even REMIND me.

And Chrissy, are you ever going to reply my e-mail? And Anjali, sorry, am banned from Facebook at the moment.

And DAISY, why are you always free when I'm not?? Life sucks. I'm really sorry. The social studies project was just DRIVING ME UP THAT STUPID WALL. I am so nervy. Sorry, but seriously, projects, at this time??? Yale is at stake (kinda) here!!!!! Well, so's PLMGSS.

Write, not chat, please. Sorry, but that's the best I can do, my mam won't allow me to IM. I KNOW!!! NEWS album has better be worth the effort.

The Queen Bee (buzz....)