Friday, September 4, 2009

Are You Crazy??

Hey everyone!

Well, it's finally the September holidays! YAY! Not that I would actually consider it a PROPER holiday since I have to go back on Monday for Japanese lesson (orals in a month! ARGH) and the pile of homework for only just ONE WEEK is murder. Seriously. The next time you wanna visit me, please register your name at the visitor's list first at the Wood Bridge Mental Institute. Thanks.

No, seriously, Nic, leave the poor cat alone. We are not going to name that thing Maou (inside joke, inside joke). Oh Ohno Satoshi for that matter. Yeh, I know EOYs are getting into your head (same here), but no. It's not our cat anyway. :)))

Yeh, everything's just messing up with my head. I think it's because of EOYs. I'm so anti-exams now. Yesterday, we were doing Japanese Oral Prep and it sucked big time. And we learnt 3 new sentence structures. Could have died. And JLPT 4 looks quite...manageable.

Ooops, gotta run,