Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Oh, whatever!

Hey everyone!

How's everyone?? Holi's are about to be over!!! :(

Anyway...you know what I said about wanting to go to Japan for two months? Screw that. I wanna live there for good! I mean, at the end of the year, a lot of the Johnny people will be acting in plays!! OK, not THAT many. Just you know, people like Masu and Nino(!!!) . YES!!! In the Tokyo Globe!! God, that's so unfair!!

Here's Masu's (source: jpopasia):

Takahisa Masuda (22) of NEWS has landed his first starring role in a play this November, titled "Ame no Hi no Mori no Naka." Masuda has performed in stage shows before, but this will be his first time taking the stage in a true acting role.The play is written and produced by Masafumi Nishida, who was one of the screenwriters for the hit drama series "Maou." The story is an original slapstick comedy about a college student (Masuda) whose car runs out of gas, stranding him and a friend (Mitsuki Tanimura) in the woods on a rainy day. They eventually end up at an old boarding house, but it seems suspicious. As it turns out, Masuda's character gets frightened very easily by the incidents that occur, while Tanimura plays the much more strong-willed character.Performances are scheduled for November 4-23 at The Globe Tokyo, followed by a run at Osaka's Theater Drama City on November 26-30.

*Gasps* MAOU!!! I love love LOVE that drama! It sounds a little creepy though. But the "gets frightened very easily" totally sounds like a character, with Massu's face, that can work :)

Now Nino's:

Arashi's Kazunari Ninomiya will be performing in his first stage play in four years. He has been given the starring role in "Strangers on a Train" ("Mishiranu Joukyaku"), opening this summer.The play is based on the popular novel of the same name, which was turned into a film by Alfred Hitchcock in 1951. The suspenseful story tells of a wealthy young man named Bruno who happens to meet an up-and-coming architect named Guy during a train ride. They each have their own difficult personal circumstances, and Bruno proposes that they "exchange" murders - Bruno will kill Guy's unfaithful wife if Guy kills Bruno's father.Robert Allan Ackerman, who has handled several Broadway productions, will produce the play. Ninomiya has been cast as the wild and devilish Bruno, while Kumiko Akiyoshi plays his mother. Shige Uchida is also part of the cast. Coincidentally, Akiyoshi previously played Ninomiya's mother in the 2003 movie "Ao no Hono," which also featured Ninomiya as a killer, though under different circumstances."Strangers on a Train" is being performed at The Globe Tokyo from July 18 to August 11.

Isn't that so cool??? I mean, duh, the tix will be SUPER expensive or something, but who cares?? It's ENRICHMENT (yeh, right)...who knows maybe I will become a theater actress (again, yeh, right)?? How cool is it to see them live???

And okay, Nino does NOT have the face of a murderer, but WHATEVER. All of them are really good actors!! Johnny Jimusho boys, I mean :)

Again, nothing much on jpopasia, and there's something about Lee Min Ho and his surgery (6th post, and counting, on jpopasia)...and another about Yamapi (FINALLY), but it's just some stuff about him and Keiko in the same course at Meiji and stuff....that's all.


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