Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Hello, my little darlings!

This is so...BLEH. I swear, nothing is going my way these few days. It's so unfair...!!!!! And its supposed to be post-exams, so arent we supposed to be relaxing??

I think not. Seriously, what's with the Health Ed project and all?? OK, I know I'[m totally complaining, but I'm SO TIRED. AND theres no way im gonna do the dioramas thingy. It's, no offence, stupid. It's BLEH. Can I emphasize that again? Ok, it's BLEH.

Why can't we do more fun stuff, like, I dunno, rock climbing or something. Hey, it's just a random suggestion. I mean, MGS is doing it, rock climbing I mean. So whatever comes to my mind, I'll just type it here. But whatever, this is very boring. To keep us pre occupied by making us do a project which is being graded after we have already gotten our report books really isn't wroking. Seriously. Was it like, a random suggestion made by the school too?????

ARGH. I swear, if I live in this place a moment longer, I'll go crazy. Thank GOD there's such thing as chocolate.

And ice-cream. Not that you can really eat ice-cream at the moment, what with the melamine thing going on. How long is that gonna last anyway???

The lil' Suga n Spice Miss

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