Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's official!

Hey my darrlings!

Looks like it's official! Hai! I just got into both Crescent Girls' and Paya Lebar Methodist Girls'! LOL. Yeh, it's a little complicated. I mean, duh. My friends think I'm for popular demand,no way ppl, >.<>

But it was way weird today. The only Eliasian at PLMGSS. Gonna miss all of my old friends, especially my besties going to PRCS!!! :) Remember me or I'll totally kill you. I'll always remember you guys, I swear!

Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat. Ok, whatever, there are no geese around here. But X-mas is coming!! The wishlist is beside this post, somewhere.

Oh, today, for Yamapi's J-web diary, it's hilarious. But seriously, HORSEMEAT SASHIMI?? *Shudders* Poor Starlight.

Now watching's so weird, but it's got Lee Junki in there, so I don't bother. >.>

OK, fanfic mania, essay writing and updating of wishlist awaits me. Haha.

"Coz we're living/in a material world/and I'm a material girl"

Not exactly. School results are kinda more important. Sigh. Nine classroom plays by Stella Kon for Sec 1 lit. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. How....dull.

Loving you,

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