Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Welcome back to school

Hey People!

This is kinda depressing. We have to go back to school, and thankfully, I have finished my play! It was 15 pages long (font type 12). And yeah, I bet you are thinking, you took three freaking' weeks to complete a small play on environmental issues?

Well, yeah, I took 3 weeks. But even though I am an average writer, environment is NOT my thing. Chic-lit is. I take about a month or two to write a 130 page story. But environment? Much as I like the environment, there aren't many stories and books that are fictional and that I can refer to them. Even if there were, they'll bore me to death. Can't everyone just go with the flow? I mean, classics are totally good and all, but they are so, so boring. I know I wanna be a journalist so I have to take up literature, meaning that I have to study classics, but they are so...old-fashioned. They were written in like, the 19th century. Why can;t classics keep changing, going with the flow? Why can't those great writers of the 21st century like Meg Cabot who have written great books become classics? At least, stories about stars falling in love with a senior magazine journalist (see post: Rich and Famous) be a classic? No offence or anything, but they are more interesting (modern day novels) than Gulliver's Travel. Sorry, but that's what I think. *Sigh*

I'm still in my holiday mode.

The (very exhausted and sleepy) Queen B.

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