Thursday, November 20, 2008

OMG! Yataaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!

Hey my darlings!

I did it! I have suceeded! When I collected my PSLE results, I was on the verge of tears...I mean, the principal went on with with her blab, and we were all "Why can't we just get out results first then let her talk later???"

Which I totally agree to the above statement. I mean, we were all nervous...just give us our results first then announce the national stats.

Now, I have just found out that I have gotten into PLMGS!! OMG, I am so goin to the beach later...yeh, I'm gonna be in Dubai for 3 weeks. Now I can totally relax!! Let's resume coach potato-ness. LOL.

YEEESH, it's freezing in here, I practically froze to death last night even though i had a jacket and a duvet...! LOL.

Hmmm.....I have to find my long-lost fanfics while I'm here...and write a new one....I don;t really like to put my fanfics on blogger, so I'll try to start a second account on livejournal and out up all the ones I have at the moment...a lot of them are either somewhere at school or hidden somwehere in my computer! LMAO.

I'm really happy! An A* and the rest As! YATAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miss Sugar n Spice

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