Wednesday, December 17, 2008

OMG, not again!

Hey my darrlings!!

I just came back from Dubai about....3 hrs and 12 mins ago. LOL. Yeh, I'm not tired even though I normally wake up at 11.00am in Dubai and it's currently 7.53 there. Oh well.

I really hate this. I mean, livejournal is great and all, but the domains and the servers and OMG, it's not working again. So how am I supposed to add in the next 3 chapters of LoveXXX??? Or D.R.E.A.M.S ???????? This is kinda stupid.

And I'm getting this stupid headache because of this shrieking/screaming attention-seeking lil' brat of a baby that didnt stop crying/screaming the entire 7 hrs to Singapore, and for the first time, NEWS songs didnt help either. Not even the Panadol the stewardess provided me with. Seriously. I feel so sorry for that poor Arab guy in front because it's supposed to be business class, and look what he got. *Sigh*

I really want a license to kill that baby. No offence, but the parents-JUST GIVE HER SOMETHING!!! ANYTHING!!! And Lu Jian thought that my screaming and Charis were bad. Think again!!! Couldnt eat poperly either, am STARVING at the moment. Dunno how the stewardesses could stand the noise.

Back to other stuff, I was just looking at the past few days' worth of Yamapi J-web diary entries, and at Party Diamond party, there was this lil' girl was there supporting NEWS and all, then Yamapi spotted her and THREW the TOWEL he had to her. OMG!!! UNFAIR. And in his diary, he wrote, and I quote "I'm worried because it's only a small towel" unquote.

OMG, seriously. ONLY a towel??? No way!! If I were the one having the towel thrown at (nicel, of course), I'll be all, "OMG, cool!" And show it off to my friends or something. Only Christie would be impressed though, LOL. Megan, Charis and the rest all think NEWS ppl are random (UNTRUE) and Chinen Yuuri looks like a girl (ok, kinda true, but not-so). BUT either way, I would treasure it FOREVER and OK, I won't be that obssessed like my sister is about HSJ, but you get my point.

The very hungry Joslyn,

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